Moving To Dubai From US

Tuesday 22 November 2022

Move Dubai

It can be thrilling and intimidating to move to a new country. The many factors you must take into account while moving to Dubai from the USA are outlined below. You must adapt to the new culture and local traditions before completing the legal formalities.

Visas For Americans Moving To Dubai

American passport holders who are planning on visiting Dubai before moving to the UAE can obtain a visa-on-arrival if their stay will not exceed 30 days. In case of a long-term visit to Dubai, you will need a valid UAE residency visa. Visas are usually valid for six months after you receive them, so make sure your passport is still valid. You may be eligible for the following kind of visas:

  • Work Or Employment Visa: The sponsoring employer is responsible for the issuance of a work or employment visa in the UAE. The sponsoring employer is responsible for all visa arrangements, such as residency permits.
  • Dependant Visa: When you have a spouse or children under 25 (a male child under 25 and/or a daughter who is not married), you can sponsor them for entry into Dubai on your visa. It is mandatory that an individual earns at least AED4000 per month or AED3000 with accommodation. AED20,000 per month should be earned by your adult children in Dubai to sponsor your residency visa.
  • Student Visa: The visa can be applied for students enrolled in an educational institution or university in UAE. If you are enrolled in a school in the UAE, the visa will only be valid while you are enrolled there.
  • Investor Visa: Investor visas are available for entrepreneurs seeking to start or invest in their own companies in Dubai. A free trade zone in Dubai can help you get this visa.
  • Property Owner Visa: Dubai residents who own real estate in Dubai are eligible to apply for a renewable resident visa. It is mandatory to undergo a medical exam before receiving a visa, regardless of the type.


How To Move To Dubai: Needed Documents For Moving To Dubai From The USA

A major part of the paperwork and the formalities associated with an employment contract in Dubai will be handled by the organization that is sponsoring you. However, you need to ensure all your paperwork is organized and filed properly.


Move Dubai


  • Educational Documents:
    • An original, attested degree or educational certification will probably be required to process an employment visa.
    • Even though you can do this after you arrive in Dubai, you will find that it is much simpler and more affordable if you do it while you are still in your home.
    • In order to produce certified degree documents, institutions often use a notary public.
    • The next step is to verify your status with the Secretary of State (your state school can guide you on how to accomplish this).
    • Next, you need to authenticate the document at the Office of Authentication of the U.S. Department of State.
    • As the final step, certification must be obtained from the UAE Embassy in Washington, D.C.


  • Marriage Certificate: If you’re traveling with your spouse to Dubai, make sure you bring the marriage certificate. To ensure that your marriage certificate is legally valid in the USA, make sure you obtain American legalization. Affirmed by the issuing officer at:
    • State’s Secretary of State
    • S. Department of State Office of Authentications
    • UAE Embassy in Washington.


  • Passport Size Photographs: For anyone moving to Dubai, it is imperative you bring passport-sized pictures of yourself! In order to avoid frantically searching for a picture studio at the last minute, it’s wise to keep a large supply of copies on hand.


Finding Accommodation In Dubai

You will likely receive a temporary residence after arriving in Dubai from your sponsoring employer. However, you will need to find a permanent residence very soon. There is no shortage of properties available in Dubai. From studio apartments to opulent villas, you can choose from a wide range of property types in Dubai.

Can’t figure out where to begin? Getting in touch with one of the best real estate agents in Dubai, Houzon, will help you figure out where you can find the best accommodation in Dubai for the best price.


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