Everything About Investor Visas in Dubai in 2022

Friday 15 April 2022

Dubai Investor Visa

Investor Visa in Dubai or the Dubai Partner Visa is one of the most sought-after visas in the world right now. From Dubai’s commitment to ease business, enticing, and sustainable foreign investments to the endorsement of its global competitive edge, the favorable business opportunities, and market-friendly government policies have certainly made Dubai one of the world’s most fast-moving economies.

Today, Dubai is one of the most preferred tourist, investment, and entrepreneurship destinations. All thanks to how the business hub has been empowering with a diverse, multicultural, and elite lifestyle and financial opportunities.

So, here’s everything you need to know about the most popular Investor Visas in Dubai you get after investing in the top properties in Dubai.

Dubai Investor Visa:

As one of the most thrilling prospects of Dubai, the Dubai Investor Visa enables its holder to reside in the United Arab Emirates. It gives the holder a right to willingly come and go as long as their visa is active. From reliable legal protection of holders of the Investor Visas to the availability of a tax-free environment, foreign nationals can start their own businesses or invest in the existing ones in Dubai.


Most Popular Investor Visas In Dubai & Their Eligibility Criteria

3 Year Investor Visa

Are you planning to buy a property in Dubai worth AED750,000 without finance or do you already own a property in Dubai worth at least AED750,000 with finance, which your bank shall confirm? Then, you are eligible for the application for the 3 Year Investor Visa in Dubai. This Dubai Investor Visa will be valid for 3 years and can be renewed if you maintain the eligibility criteria.

Eligibility of 3 Year Investor Visa:

The minimum property value for the 3 Year Investor Visa is AED750,000.

In the case of a mortgaged property, a minimum of at least 50% or AED750,000 should be paid to the bank. The bank will confirm that the payment has been done through a NOC letter written in Arabic and a current mortgage statement as well.

Both, the Husband and Wife can obtain their own 3 Year Investor Visa if each of them has minimum shares of AED750,000 each. In another case, one person can get an Investor Visa and then sponsor their spouse. Marriage certificates, both attested and translated will be required in this scenario.

10 Year Investor Visa Or Golden Visa

In 2019, Dubai Government announced a 10 Year Residency Visa, popularly known as Golden Visa for property investors who have plans or have already bought one or multiple properties in Dubai worth AED 10 Million.

But In the latest reform made in April 2022, the investment value has been reduced by 80% to only AED 2 Million for the eligibility of the Golden Visa. From now onwards, if you are investing just AED 2 Million in a property in Dubai, or multiple properties in Dubai, you will be eligible to apply for a Golden Visa, the 10 years of Residency Visa offered by Dubai Government. This Dubai Investor Visa will be valid for 10 years and can be renewed if you maintain the eligibility criteria.


UAE Golden Visa


Eligibility Of 10 Year Investor Visa Or Golden Visa:

The minimum property value for the 10 Year Investor Visa is AED 2 Million.

In the case of a mortgaged property, a minimum of at least 25% or 500,000 AED of AED 2 Million should be paid to the bank. The bank will confirm that the payment has been done through a NOC letter written in Arabic and a current mortgage statement as well.

In the current conditions, Investors can also make a down payment of 10% or AED200,000 of AED 2 Million in Off Plan Projects in Dubai to be eligible for the application which was not the case earlier. This payment formula enables developers and property brokers to ease investors to qualify for the Golden Visa without necessarily making an outright purchase worth AED 2 Million in full.

Both, the Husband and Wife can get their personal Investor visas if each of them has shares worth AED 2 Million minimum in a property in Dubai. Marriage certificates, both attested and translated will be required. Alternatively,

one of the spouses can get the Investor Visa if they have minimum shares worth AED 2 Million and then, potentially sponsor the other. Each of them can sponsor their children without any age limitations. They can also sponsor an unlimited number of domestic help or support services. Apart from these benefits, in event of the Golden Visa holder’s demise, his sponsored family members can still stay in the UAE.

Thinking of buying properties in Dubai to get your Investor Visa? Consulting the Best Real Estate Agents in Dubai can more than help. Get in touch with Houzon Now!

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